If you are a caretaker of someone or going through treatment, you’ve probably had a doctor tell you “there is no crystal ball”.
If your child fails to reach the main milestones, such as crawling, walking and exhibiting behaviors, it could be an indication of cerebral palsy.
From the moment we become moms, our time is no longer our own. As women, we’re often socialized to be nurturers, naturally prioritizing the needs of others (significant others, children, friends, parents) over our own. It’s no wonder our needs land at the bottom of the to-do list. But here’s the truth: The mental load… Continue reading How to Stop the Cycle of Mom Guilt and Reclaim Your Time
Just because you are in a wheelchair does not mean you can’t sit in a regular chair, walk a few steps, or crawl.
Recently, my closest friend whom I have known since such a small age that I cannot remember not knowing her came to visit from Sacramento. We were sitting on the floor of my living room doing that thing you do when you don’t get to see someone you love very often. We were going through… Continue reading Notice the Patterns, but Hold Them Loosely
How many of us adults live with anxiety daily? How long have you been feeling anxious? Has motherhood or other life transitions heightened your anxiety, perhaps giving it an unexpected twist? Anxiety is a shared struggle—one that doesn’t discriminate. It affects people from all walks of life, from celebrities to members of our local communities,… Continue reading Moms living with Anxiety: Messages to Our Past and Present Selves
Aimee Jaremowicz RD, LDN, interviews Julie Bombacino, CEO and Founder of Real Foods and parent of a tube-fed child. “At first I was shell-shocked! AJ had been nursing for 6 months and I never knew that epilepsy could lead to needing a feeding tube. (I think I was like much of the general population… Continue reading A Mother’s Perspective: Bonding With a Tube-Fed Child
If your child has anxiety, school can be a daily struggle. Your child may resist getting out of bed, express physical complaints like stomachaches or headaches before bed or in the morning, or struggle to make friends. Some subjects may feel especially challenging, and the noise and activity of the school environment can be overwhelming.… Continue reading Supporting an Anxious Child in School: What You Can Do
Whether it feels like it or not at the moment, cold weather is coming. We are in the flux of late fall when you’ll get a few sunny afternoons, but the overall days are getting shorter and chillier. With each minute lost to twilight, I think of Charlie, my son who uses a wheelchair, who… Continue reading Cold Weather Gear for Wheelchair-Users
Holiday vacations are weird and stressful, but also maybe a little wonderful. You have to run towards the wonderful part head-on so you don’t miss it.